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Million $$ Match
How to play Million $$ Match
Match any of YOUR NUMBERS to any of the WINNING NUMBERS, win PRIZE shown for that number. Get a "2X" symbol, win 2 TIMES the PRIZE shown. Get a "10X" symbol, win 10 TIMES the PRIZE shown. Get a "WIN" symbol, WIN ALL 30 YOUR NUMBER PRIZES shown below.
$100 BONUS SPOT: Reveal a "COIN" symbol in the "$100 BONUS SPOT," win $100 automatically!
$200 BONUS SPOT: Reveal a "MONEY STACK" symbol in the "$200 BONUS SPOT," win $200 automatically!
$300 BONUS SPOT: Reveal a "MONEYBAG" symbol in the "$300 BONUS SPOT," win $300 automatically!
$400 BONUS SPOT: Reveal a "POT OF GOLD" symbol in the "$400 BONUS SPOT," win $400 automatically!
$500 BONUS SPOT: Reveal a "GOLD BAR" symbol in the "$500 BONUS SPOT," win $500 automatically!
Additional Information
Price Point | $30 |
Overall Odds | 1 in 2.85 |
Category | Money |
Play Style | Key Number Match/Find |
Launch Date | April 6, 2021 |
Game Number | 7408 |
*"Win up to" amount shown above includes the top prizes. However, all top prizes have been won. To see which prizes are yet to be claimed, please check the Unclaimed Instant Ticket Prizes page.